Other Publications
- Maanda Makwarela & Tiffany Ebrahim (2018) "Local Democratic Space in Informal Settlements" in Good Governance Learning Network (GGLN) Developmental Local Government: Dream Deferred?, pp. 54-65.
- Edward Molopi & Tiffany Ebrahim (2017) "Spatial Justice: Accountability through Collaboration and Confrontation" in Good Governance Learning Network (GGLN) Navigating Accountability and Collaboration in Local Governance, pp. 53-61.
- Jackie Dugard, Tshepo Madlingozi and Kate Tissington (2014) "Rights-Compromised or Rights-Savvy? The Use of Rights-Based Strategies to Advance Socio-Economic Struggles by Abahlali baseMjondolo, the South African Shack-Dwellers’ Movement" in H Alviar García, K Klare and L Williams (eds) Social and Economic Rights in Theory and Practice: Critical Inquiries (Routledge).
- Thapelo Tselapedi (2013) “Book review: Popular politics and resistance movements in South Africa edited by William Beinart and Marcelle C. Dawson (Johannesburg, Wits University Press)” Journal of Contemporary African Studies, pp. 1-3.
- Thapelo Tselapedi and Jackie Dugard (2013) "Reclaiming power: A case study of the Thembelihle Crisis Committee" in Good Governance Learning Network (GGLN) Active Citizenship Matters, pp. 57-65.
- Jackie Dugard and Kate Tissington (2013) "Civil society and protest in South Africa: A view from 2012" in CIVICUS State of Civil Society Report.
- Stuart Wilson and Jackie Dugard (2013) “Constitutional Jurisprudence: the first and second waves” in Malcolm Langford, Ben Cousins, Jackie Dugard & Tshepo Madlingozi (eds) Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa: Symbols or Substance? (Cambridge University Press).
- Jackie Dugard and Kay Drage (2013) "To Whom Do The People Take Their Issues? The Contribution of Community-Based Paralegals to Access to Justice in South Africa" The Justice and Development Working Paper Series (Washington: The World Bank).
- Jackie Dugard and Anna Alcaro (2013) "Let's Work Together: Environmental and Socio-Economic Rights in the Courts" South African Journal on Human Rights vol. 29(1) pp. 14-31 © Juta & Co (access the Juta catalogue here).
- Julian Brown and Stuart Wilson (2013) "A Presumed Equality: State and Citizen in Post Apartheid South Africa" African Studies vol. 72(1) pp 86 - 106.
- Jackie Dugard (2013) "Courts and structural poverty in South Africa: To what extent has the Constitutional Court expanded access and remedies to the poor?" in Daniel Bonilla Maldonado (ed) Constitutionalism in the Global South: The Activist Tribunals of India, South Africa, and Colombia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
- Kate Tissington (2012) "'Tacticians in the Struggle for Change’? Exploring the Dynamics between Legal Organisations and Social Movements Engaged in Rights-Based Struggles in South Africa" in Marcelle Dawson and Luke Sinwell (eds) Contesting Transformation: Popular Resistance in Twenty-First Century South Africa (London: Pluto Press).
- Stuart Wilson and Jackie Dugard (2011) "Taking Poverty Seriously: The South African Constitutional Court and Socio-Economic Rights" Stellenbosch Law Review.
- Jackie Dugard and Malcolm Langford (2011) “Art or Science: Synthesising Lessons from Public Interest Litigation and the Dangers of Legal Determinism”, first published in the special issue of the South African Journal on Human Rights on Public Interest Litigation vol. 27 pp. 39-64 © Juta & Co (access the Juta catalogue here).
- Jackie Dugard (2009) “Courts and the poor in South Africa: A critique of systemic judicial failures to advance transformative justice”, first published in the South African Journal on Human Rights vol. 24(2) pp. 214-238 © Juta & Co (access the Juta catalogue here).
- Jackie Dugard (2007) “Judging the Judges: Towards an appropriate role for the judiciary in South Africa’s transformation”, Leiden Journal of International Law vol. 20(4) pp. 237-253.
- Jackie Dugard (2006) “Court of First Instance?: Towards a Pro-Poor Jurisdiction for the South African Constitutional Court”, first published in the South African Journal on Human Rights vol. 22(2) pp. 261-282 © Juta & Co (access the Juta catalogue here).
- Jackie Dugard and Theunis Roux (2006) “The record of the South African Constitutional Court in providing an institutional voice for the poor: 1995-2004” in Roberto Gargarella, Pilar Domingo & Theunis Roux (eds) Courts and Social Transformation in New Democracies: An Institutional Voice for the Poor?, pp. 107-125 (London: Ashgate Press).