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Op-ed in the Daily Maverick on the Ekuthuleni shelter (11 January 2013).

Jackie Dugard of SERI and Kathleen Hardy of the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS) published an op-ed in the Daily Maverick entitled "Ekuthuleni: 'Place of peace' by name but a shelter it is not".

  • Read the op-ed here and more on the Ekuthuleni case to which it refers here.

SERI's Executive Director steps down (10 December 2012).

SERI's executive director, Jackie Dugard, has stepped down after three very successful years leading the organisation. Jackie hopes to pursue an academic career in 2013, but will continue to sit on SERI's board and will take up a role mentoring SERI's young researchers and developing SERI's international profile. Stuart Wilson, SERI's director of litigation, has been appointed by the Board of Directors as Jackie's replacement as executive director, effective from 10 December 2012. SERI attorney, Teboho Mosikili, has been appointed as director of litigation from the same date.

  • Read the SERI statement here.